Tony Loveless


Tony Loveless is 40 years old.

Tony Loveless has salt n peppa colored hair.

Tony Loveless loves sunflower seeds.

Tony Loveless was born in May.

Tony Loveless loves weiner dogs.

Tony Loveless is only 5'9".

Tony Loveless named his only daughter Miki Loveless.

Tony Loveless only knows 1 joke.

Tony Loveless stopped growing when he was 15.

Tony Loveless hates the sun.

Tony Loveless loves to catch lizards.

Tony Loveless kills baby quails.

Tony Loveless has a bomb advertising company.

Tony Loveless can NOT dance.

Tony Loveless hates Russell Sprinklers.

Tony Loveless was named Anthony.

Tony Loveless drinks coffee every morning and is a morning person.

Tony Loveless wants world peace.

Tony Loveless wants to feed the homeless.

Tony Loveless once killed a man with his bare hands.

Tony Loveless never learned to cry.

Tony Loveless drives a truck.

Tony Loveless has 3 dogs and 3 kids and 1 delinquent.

Tony Loveless once spent a night in jail, instead of telling his parents he had a beer.

Tony Loveless decided to smile when he could of frowned.

Tony Loveless is freezing cold.

Tony Loveless loves care bears.

Tony Loveless's tears can cure cancer too bad he never cries.

Tony Loveless can slam a revolving door.

When Tony Loveless does pushups, he doesn't lift himself up. He pushes the world down.

If you have 5 dollars and Tony Loveless, has 5 dollars, Tony Loveless has more money then you.

Tony Loveless killed 2 birds with 1 stone.

Tony Loveless can eat just one lays potato chip.

Tony Loveless can sneeze with his eyes open.

Apple pays Tony Loveless 99 cents everytime he listens to a song.

Tony Loveless does not sleep, he waits.

Tony Loveless is the reason why Waldo is hiding.

Tony Loveless counted to infinity twice.

Tony Loveless doesn't wear a watch, he decides what time it is!

Some people wear superman pajamas, superman wears Tony Loveless pajamas.