Why I Choose Cartels over Christmas.

Published: Friday, 10 January, 2014

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Ahh The Holidays, Ehh The Holidays

Published: Thursday, 19 December, 2013

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A Bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, A Glass of wine, A 3-year Old, and a Marketing Mom

Published: Friday, 15 November, 2013

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Do You Work with Someone You CAN'T Stand? Don't we all?

Published: Tuesday, 5 November, 2013

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To Blog or Not to Blog...it's so many words...

Published: Friday, 25 October, 2013

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Just a Girl, Talking about Marketing and Being a Girl.

Published: Saturday, 5 October, 2013

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Did you expect Blockbuster to be in business after Red Box?

Published: Thursday, 26 September, 2013

I sure didn't. If you aren't competing you are going to fall behind. Red Box was truly a 'purple cow' of the movie rental business. It was remarkable to spend a dollar instead of $5 and get the same movie. Not only that but you're done at Red Box in 3 minutes! With blockbuster you may have a wider range, but does that really count in this world of convenience??

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InBound. OutBound. Missionaries have to be amazing marketers.

Published: Thursday, 15 August, 2013

The reason I'm posting this is that my son is nearing the end of his mission and he is learning so many amazing lessons about dealing with people. Many of the same lessons I am just now learning. It is no wonder that so many RM's (Return Missionaries) go on to do great things in business.

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5 Inbound Marketing Lessons I Learned While Off-roading

Published: Friday, 25 January, 2013

Last weekend some friends of ours invited my wife and I to go on a weekend trip to Moab, Utah. My friend (let's call him Steve because that's his name) has been a lifelong Jeeper. Steve had just acquired a new-to-him Jeep and wanted to test it out. A trip to Moab? Hell yes!

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There comes a time. . .

Published: Monday, 15 November, 2010

Every now and again everybody needs a change! We decided that we need to move offices. It may be in the same building- but it is a big difference! Some of the reasons we moved offices:
• it was FREEZING all the time!
• space issues were becoming very apparent, not that we don't all love each other...

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New business Cards!

Published: Tuesday, 26 October, 2010

We just made the most awesome business cards! I hope everyone loves them as much as we do. . . what do you think??

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Utah's first Solar Park Tour, held at T.R.A-MAGE, huge success!

Published: Thursday, 7 October, 2010

September 23rd – 25th T.R.A-MAGE hosted the Solar Tour in American Fork at their Solar Education Park. The event was a tremendous success, with the general public, Alpine School District, and the Media all attending in abundance...

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Renewable energy!

Published: Thursday, 16 September, 2010

You hear about solar energy so often that it seems you never actually know how you would start a project or where to go!
So we have an awesome renewable energy client that is doing an education tour on solar energy. I would love to see any of you there. It is at T.R.A- MAGE in American Fork.

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