How to talk to your audience

Published: Wednesday, 28 October, 2015

Let's face it, the world is changing and it's our job to figure out how to talk to it. Easier said than done, listen to these examples: men with a full sleeve tattoos now drive Priuses, Mens pants are now tighter than their girlfriend's pants...

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Published: Thursday, 27 August, 2015

There are zombie's everywhere! There are movies like Dawn of the Dead, Shawn of the Dead...

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One-to-One Marketing

Published: Tuesday, 3 February, 2015
One-to-one marketing (sometimes expressed as 1:1 marketing) is a customer relationship management (CRM) strategy emphasizing personalized interactions...

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What does your business need to survive?

Published: Tuesday, 3 February, 2015

Let's pretend our businesses have become a living breathing flesh-sack (a human)? What do they need to survive?

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4 Questions That Will Save You Thousands of Marketing Dollars.

Published: Wednesday, 22 October, 2014

The world is changing and it's our duty to figure out how to keep up! Although I doubt that I have to prove my point I’ll give you few examples of what I’m talking about. I passed a guy on the freeway with a full sleeve tattoo that was driving a Toyota Prius. My buddy just bought some pants that are tighter than his girlfriend’s...

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Some recent work for Reebok and Kanvas Int.

Published: Wednesday, 16 July, 2014

Fritz and Andre has done exceptional work for many of their clients over the past few months. Here's a sample...

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6 Marketing Metrics You Should Know How To Calculate

Published: Thursday, 24 April, 2014

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My Best Friend is Her, and Her Name is Wine.

Published: Monday, 21 April, 2014

I haven't known Her the longest of all my friends but I certainly hold Her the dearest. I can recall almost every encounter we've ever had in some Minuit detail which is more than I can say for most people I've come across in my lifetime. She is truly my best friend.

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